I lived in Florida most of my life so moving to Georgia made me feel like a perpetual tourist. So many new things!
The weather, the food and the sights – Oh my! Actually, even these four years later I still feel like a tourist. I’m not proud of it, but I have to use my GPS to get around at times even now. I was trying to think back to some of the first “touristy – resident” things we did when we moved here.
I know I’ve mentioned Fort McAllister in previous posts, but once again I defer back to it because its RIGHT HERE IN OUR TOWN. Although i’m not a huge history buff, my husband is, and having a fort down the street is almost like a dream come true for Mr. History Channel himself.

Related: Six Steps to Buying a Home in Georgia
Naturally, we did an inaugural visit – you know, get the lay of the land, check out the indoor exhibits and wander around the grounds. One of our first official Fort McAllister events was a candle lantern tour which is usually given in the fall.
Getting a guided tour of the fort in the evening by candlelight was a real hit with us and I always remember it as our first real “resident” activity so it holds a special place in my heart. However, when we went to Fort McAllister Valentine’s day dinner a few months later, it felt tailor-made for my husband. I think it was his best Valentine’s experience ever.

The evening started with a tour (clearly this topic never grows stale for us) followed by a candlelit meal in an appropriately historic setting with period music and dancing. It was very small and intimate with all of the staff dressed appropriately for “the olden days” of the Civil War.
After dinner, we danced the night away courtesy of the staff who taught us dances of that time period. The finale, of course, was a night time cannon firing. My husband Steve said the night had all the elements to make it perfect – the food, dancing, tour, cannon and I think he was glad that I was there too.
We really did and still, try to embrace all the things going on at the fort from hikes to their annual winter muster. If you have kids, they always have something fabulous going on for them too. I should mention that while I am not a camper, that’s one of the big draws to the fort.

You can camp in all manner of roughing it, from tents to campers and even for us city folk, there’s’ lovely cottage accommodations. We love walking around the fort and the trails so much we wound up getting an annual pass.
Fort McAllister is just one of the historical sights in the Hill and nearby on the Georgia coast, and before you ask – YES – we have been to all of them so expect an account of each in upcoming posts!
If you’re new to town, and you’re doing all the unpacking and getting settled, I urge you to take a few minutes and ride out to the fort. Just walk around, enjoy the beautiful Ogeechee river, walk out onto the pier or wander down one of the trails.
You will be happy you did it, and even happier that you ended up here in Richmond Hill!